Advanced Java Interview Questions
1. What Is A Reflection In Java?
The reflection in Java is an API that is used to inspect other code which is present in the same node where it is running. This reflection is also used to give information about the instance to which an object belongs.
2. How To Differentiate The Interface And Class In Java?
Even though both are used to achieve abstraction in Java. When it comes to the implementation point of view the abstract classes can have both abstract and non–abstract methods when it comes to the interface only abstract methods are allowed to include in the body of the interface.
3. Does Java Supports The Concept Of Pass-By-Reference?
No, java does not explicitly support the concept of pass-by-reference because there is the concept of pointers in java. In Java, everything is passed as values so we can java only supports the pass-by value and implicitly these are passed as references.
4. What Is Meant By JavaBean?
Java Bean is a java class that follows some specifications it must have a no-argument constructor, the class should be serializable and it must contain setter and getter methods. Simply we can say that java bean classes are the foundation stones to achieve encapsulation in Java.
5. What Is Meant By Marker Interface In Java?
The marker is an empty interface in java which means it consists of no methods in it. This interface is responsible to provide run-time information about objects. There are three types of marker interfaces in java Serializable, Cloneable, and Remote interfaces.
6. Why Are Character Arrays Preferable In Java To String?
The strings in java are immutable objects so it’s difficult to perform any operations on them. When it comes to character arrays, they are mutable objects in java so without using any methods we can directly perform operations on them. So, the Character arrays are preferred over Strings in Java.
7. What Is Meant By Dynamic Methos Dispatch In Java?
The dynamic method dispatch is the mechanism by which a call to an overridden method is resolved at runtime. This means with this process Runtime Polymorphism can be implemented in Java.
8. Discuss Exception Handling In Java.
The process of handling errors or exceptions during the runtime to make sure the execution flow does affect because of them is known as Exception Handling in Java. Exceptions can be handled mainly using five keywords in Java
try – In this block the exceptional code is placed
catch – used to catch the errors that were thrown by a try block
finally – used to execute irrespective of exceptions
throw – used to throw an exception
throws – this is used to declare user declare exceptions
9. Name The Inheritance Which Is Not Supported By Java Using Classes?
Multiple Inheritance is a type of inheritance that is not possible using Java using classes. Here In multiple Inheritance, the child class inherits the properties of one or more parent classes at a time. So during that, if that multiple parent classes might have methods with the same name so here the conflict arises and this can be achieved through interfaces by implementing them.
10. Usage Of The Super Keyword.
The super is a keyword in Java that is used to refer to the superclass objects. The super is used to call super class methods and constructors when the user wants to access them after their declaration.
11. Explain Map In Java?
The map is an interface in Java. This map is used to implement collections that contain key-value pairs.
No duplication of keys is allowed in the Map interface.
12. Is It Possible To Override The Private Or Static Method In Java?
No, it’s not possible to override static or private methods in Java because the private methods are the ones that have some limited access to perform operations and when it comes to the static method if you override them the sub-class methods are considered instead of superclass methods.
13. What Are Servlets In Java?
Servlets are used the extend the capabilities of web servers and also used to implement dynamic web pages. These can be implemented using javax.sevlet.http package.
14. What Is JDBC?
The JDBC is an acronym for Java Data Base Connectivity. JDBC is a driver software that enables java programs to establish connections with databases.
15 Name One Popular Framework In Java.
Spring is a Java Application Framework that is used to build Enterprise Applications. It follows MVC (Model, View, Control) approach which ensures developer to achieve robust exception-handling techniques. This Framework provides good infrastructural support at the application level with the help of plumbing techniques.
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